Second and final announcement for FMCS 2004: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FFFFFFF M M CCC SSS F MM MM C S FFFFF M MM M C SSS F M M C S F M M CCC SSS 2004 (CALGARY) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This year's meeting on Foundational Methods in Computer Science (FMCS 2004) will be hosted by the Programming Languages Group at the University of Calgary, June 4th - June 6th, and will be held at the Kananaskis Field Station. Next years meeting will be in Vancouver at UBC. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOUNDATIONAL METHODS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE The workshop is an informal meeting to bring together researchers in mathematics and computer science with a focus on the applications of category theory in computer science. It is a three day meeting which includes tutorials by -- Andrea Schalk: Double Gluing -- Pieter Hofstra: Realizability -- Phil Scott: Geometry of Interaction -- Ernie Manes: Guarded Semigroups and has two days of contributed research talks. If you wish to participate please let us know before 21st May 2004. If, in addition, you wish to give a presentation you must provide an abstract and title to Robin Cockett or Craig Pastro (see email addresses below) before Friday 21st May (although we appreciate notification on this as early as possible). Student participation at FMCS is particularly encouraged. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Organizer: Robin Cockett (robin at Local organizer: Craig Pastro (pastroc at