CPSC 333: Grading Scheme

Location: [CPSC 333] [Course Administration] Grading Scheme

This page was most recently modified on January 21, 1997.

The University policy on grading related matters is described on pages 55-58 of the 1996-97 calendar. In determining the overall grade in the course, the following weights will be use:

The course will have a Registrar's scheduled final examination.

There will be five assignments, each equally weighted (and therefore each worth 7% of the final grade).

There will be only one term test, so this will be worth 30%.

Each of the above components will be given a percentage grade. The final grade will be calculated by computing a final percentage grade weighted by the percentages given above and then converted to a final letter grade using the following conversion:

Department of Computer Science
University of Calgary

Office: (403) 220-5073
Fax: (403) 284-4707
