CPSC 333: Should We Make Up Information If It's Missing?

Location: [CPSC 333] [Assignments] [Clarifications of Instructions for Assignment #1] Should We Make Up...


Should we make up information, if it seems that we need it for our specification, and it hasn't been supplied?


No, you shouldn't make up information to put into your specification, under any circumstances! After all, you're playing the role of the ``analyst'' who is documenting the requirements for this system, rather than the ``potential user'' or ``customer,'' who is supplying this information to you.

On the other hand, I am pretending to be the system's ``potential user,'' and you should send email to me if you think that it would be appropriate to include a particular piece of information in your solution, and that information hasn't been supplied yet.

Furthermore, keep in mind the warning about overspecification that appears in the online notes.

Department of Computer Science
University of Calgary

Office: (403) 220-5073
Fax: (403) 284-4707
