CPSC 333: Should Lines of Latitude and Longitude Really Be Straight Lines?

Location: [CPSC 333] [Assignments] [More about Problem to Model for Assignment #1] Projection Schemes for Maps


In the cartography system, depending on the scale, won't the latitudes and longitudes curve, whereas the grid lines will be straight?

If this is true, then wouldn't a formula that you'd need to use to compute a city's grid location on a map from its latitude and longitude be extremely complicated?


The answer to the first part of your question depends on how the map has been produced. Please assume that all the maps in the system are ``Mercator projections,'' so that lines of latitude and longitude really are shown as perfectly straight lines on the maps, with the lines of latitude at right angles to the lines of longitude.

You are right that, if we hadn't made this assumption, then computation of a city's grid location on a map from its latitude and longitude could have been quite complicated. I'm asking you to make this assumption in order to avoid having that happen.

Department of Computer Science
University of Calgary

Office: (403) 220-5073
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