CPSC 333: Should Old Transactions be Cleared Automatically...?

Location: [CPSC 333] [Assignments] [More about Problem to Model for Question #1 on Assignment #2]


When clearing an account, old transactions that aren't yet registered should be retained, even if their ``transaction dates'' are earlier than the account's new opening date.

Should these old transactions be cleared automatically, as soon as they are registered?


No, they should not.

Note that you'll probably be registering multiple transactions when a bank statement arrives, and you might make a mistake or two (possibly registering the ``wrong'' transaction) when you do this.

If the transactions you mention are automatically cleared (and, therefore, deleted from the system) as soon as they are registered, then you won't be able to compare a listing of the account's transactions with a bank statement, after you're done, in order to confirm that you've registered the transactions you'd intended to. You also wouldn't be able to correct mistakes (as easily as you should be able to) if you accidentally register the wrong ``old'' transaction - you'd probably end up having to type ``old'' transactions in all over again, if old ones were automatically cleared in the way you're asking about.

Department of Computer Science
University of Calgary

Office: (403) 220-5073
Fax: (403) 284-4707
