CPSC 333: Data Dictionary for Version Two of Student Information System

Location: [CPSC 333] [Student Information Systems] [Version Two] Data Dictionary for Version Two

Name: Course
Kind: E
Type: @discipline code + @course number + course title
Description: Represents pass/fail courses
Name: course number
Kind: At
Type: integer
Description: Key attribute of Course
Name: course title
Kind: At
Type: string
Description: Non-key attribute of Course
Name: discipline code
Kind: At
Type: string
Description Key attribute of Course
Name: first name
Kind: At
Type: string
Description: A non-key attribute of Student
Name: has passed
Kind: R - Mc:Mc
Type: @ID number + @discipline code + @course number
Description: Relationship between Student and Course; each student may have passed zero or more courses, and each course may have been passed by zero or more students
Name: ID number
Kind: At
Type: integer
Description: A key attribute of Student; should be exactly eight digits long
Name: is registered in
Kind: R - Mc:Mc
Type: @ID number + @discipline code + @course number
Description: Relationship between Student and Course; each student can be registered in zero or more courses, and each course can have zero or more students registered in it
Name: last name
Kind: At
Type: string
Description: A non-key attribute of Student
Name: middle initial
Kind: At
Type: character
Description: A non-key attribute of Student
Name: Student
Kind: E
Type: @ID number + first name + middle initial + last name
Description: Corresponds to students who may be registered in or who may recently have passed courses

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Location: [CPSC 333] [Student Information Systems] [Version Two] Data Dictionary for Version Two

Department of Computer Science
University of Calgary

Office: (403) 220-5073
Fax: (403) 284-4707
