CPSC 333: Process Specification for Process #1.1 in Student Information System, Version One

Location: [Student Information Systems] [Version One] [Data Flow Diagram] Process Specification for Process #1.1

Process Name: Register Student
Process Number: 1.1
Inputs: ID number, name
Outputs: status message, student



Error Conditions:

  1. Either the ID number or name received from the Instructor (or both) is syntactically incorrect
  2. The ID number is already in use

Processing Details:

if inputs from Instructor are syntactically correct then
  student[ID number] := ID number
  student[first name] := name[first name]
  student[middle initial] := name[middle initial]
  student[last name] := name[last name]
  student[status] := `registered'
  Sent student to the data store to be added
  if data store reports success then
    status message := `ok'
    status message := `ID number is already in use'
  end if
  status message := `Syntax error in input(s)'
end if

[Return to Data Flow Diagram]

Department of Computer Science
University of Calgary

Office: (403) 220-5073
Fax: (403) 284-4707
