CPSC 333: Standard Template Library

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This material was covered during lectures on March 21, 1997.


The Standard Template Library (``STL'') is a general-purpose C++ library of ``generic algorithms'' and data structures. Its goals include making programmers more productive, because it includes many different components that can be plugged together and used in applications, and it provides an organization that can be applied to different programming problems.

The library (as described, for the most part, by the report of Stepanov and Lee referred to below) has been included in the ANSI/ISO C++ draft standard, so it's to be expected that it will be included with C++ in the future. However, it relies on some newer features (involving templates) that present C++ compilers don't all support yet, so you may have some difficulty using the library for the next while. For example, STL occasionally provides ``defaults'' for parameter values, and current compilers might not support this yet.


The primary reference (used to prepare these notes) for the Standard Template Library is the following book.

D. R. Musser and A. Saini
STL Tutorial and Reference Guide
Addison Wesley, 1996

This contains more details about each of the components described below, as well as several example programs, and a reference guide.

A shorter introduction is given in Chapter 2 of the next reference.

G. F. Rogers
Framework-Based Software Development in C++
Prentice Hall, 1997

Interesting Features

Designers of the Standard Template Library have considered and (to a large part) overcome problems that had been recognized for packages of reusable components in the past:

Since C++ is an extremely widely used programming language, and since the Standard Template Library will be part of this language's standard, it's to be expected that this library will available for all platforms and will be supported by all (future) C++ compilers, so that it can be used in portable programs.

The designers of the Standard Template Library were careful to ensure that the classes they included could be implemented efficiently, and included ``performance guarantees'' for the interface requirements for the library, by specifying bounds on the maximum time that each function in the interface can take. ``Big-Oh'' notation is used for these guaranteed. That is, if an interface function can accept some sort of structure of size n as input, then the specification of each interface function in the library includes the promise that its worst case running in time is in O(T(n)), where T(n) is usually either 1, log n, n, n log n, or (rarely) n2.

Since the time used by the function will depend on the particular implementation of the library that's being used, as well (if measured in real units of time, like seconds) on things that are out of the control of the developers and implementers of the library (such as the system load at the time when the function is used), this is just about the most precise promise of this kind that can be made; it's a far better kind of performance guarantee than many other libraries provide.

Finally, the interface chosen for classes in the library is reasonably simple, highly standardized, and consistently used. The components of the library will be discussed in more detail, below. However, it should be noted at this point that

One additional point: The library relies on, and serves as a good example for, generic programming. That is, it includes data structures with standardized (and common) interfaces, including standard ``access'' operations, along with algorithms that only access data using these operations, so that it is possible to ``plug'' almost any data structure obtained using the library ``into'' almost any of the algorithms. One benefit of this is that it would allow you to write one version of an algorithm - say, a ``quicksort'' algorithm - and then use it repeatedly with a variety of different data structures, without having to make any of the modifications to code for the algorithm (or, perhaps to recompile it) that would be necessary if the algorithm had been designed (and implemented) differently.


It's probably most important that the first few components described below - ``containers,'' ``generic algorithms,'' and ``iterators,'' be well understood. ``Allocators,'' ``adaptors,'' and (perhaps) ``function objects'' are probably less important.

As mentioned (repeatedly) below, additional online references at the bottom of this page. The material included isn't supposed to be comprehensive. Instead, it's hoped that it'll give you a general idea of the design and components of the library quickly, before you go onto the more detailed (and, sometimes, more technical) references that follow it.


Containers in STL are objects that store collections of other objects. There are two categories of STL container types: sequence containers and sorted associative containers.

Sequence Containers

Sequence containers organize a collection of objects, all of the same type T, into a strictly linear arrangement. The STL sequence container types are as follows.

Sorted Associative Containers

Sorted associative containers provide an ability for fast retrieval of objects from a collection based on keys. The size of the collection can vary at run time. STL has four sorted associative container types.

Generic Algorithms

Generic algorithms are designed to be used with containers; all access to data is performed using standard ``container access'' operations, so that you can use containers to design a wide variety of data structures, and then easily use the supplied generic algorithms with almost all of the data structures you obtain. (See the more detailed documentation, provided below, for limitations and additional details.)

The Standard Template Library includes generic algorithms for a number of common operations on data structures. They fall into four broad categories: Nonmutating sequence algorithms operate on containers without, in general, modifying the contents of the container. Mutating sequence algorithms modify the contents of the containers on which they operate. Sorting-related algorithms include sorting and merging algorithms, binary search algorithms, and set operations on sorted sequences. Finally, the library includes a small collection of generalized numeric algorithms. See the additional documentation for details about each.


Iterators provide some of the ``standard container access'' mentioned above. They are pointer-like objects that generic algorithms use to traverse the sequence of objects stored in a container. They are an extremely important part of the design of the library, because they serve as intermediaries between containers and generic algorithms; you could think of them as the standard ``cables'' or ``connectors'' that you'd use to link STL ``containers'' to the ``generic algorithms'' that you want to operate on them.

Iterators in STL are classified into five categories. Roughly speaking, input iterators support you to ``read'' the sequence of objects in a container efficiently in one direction; output iterators allow you to ``write'' or modify the objects efficiently, again moving in one fixed direction. Forward iterators support the operations of both ``input'' and ``output'' iterators (again, moving in one direction through the container). Bidirectional iterators support these operations when moving in both directions through the sequence. Finally, certain STL data structures have random access iterators as well. Again, see the additional references for details.

Function Objects

In C++ a function object is an object of any class (or struct) that overloads the function call operator, operator().

Most STL generic algorithms, and some container classes, accept a function object as a parameter. This makes it possible to vary their computations in other ways besides those controlled by the iterators. For example, the STL sort algorithm can be called with a parameter, comp, that tells the sort algorithm how two objects should be compared.

Passing a function object to an algorithm is similar to passing a pointer to a function. However, it is possible to pass function objects to algorithms at compile time, and it is also possible to increase efficiency, ``by inlining the corresponding call.'' Thus, STL's use of function objects instead of function pointers increases the likelihood that generic algorithms can be used in many situations without losing efficiency.

STL includes a small set of function object types that are commonly used. Again, the additional references given below should be used to find additional details.


Adaptors are STL components that can be used to change the interface of another component. They are defined as template classes that take a component type as a parameter.

STL provides container adaptors, iterator adaptors, and function adaptors.

An example of a container adaptor is a stack container adaptor, which can be applied to a vector, list, or queue to produce a container with the interface you'd expect for a stack, and with an underlying implementation as a vector, list, or queue, respectively.

An example of an iterator adaptor is STL's reverse_bidirectional_iterator, which can be applied to a bidirectional iterator in which the (usual) traversal direction is reversed.

Finally, an example of a (kind of) function adaptor is a negator, which ``reverses the sense of predicate objects.''


Every STL container class uses an Allocator class to encapsulate information about the memory model the program is using. The default allocator class supplied with STL implementations is generally sufficient, so this isn't something you need to be concerned with immediately. However, one intended purpose of this is apparently to provide a ``hook'' to an object-oriented data base, allowing persistent objects to dealt with in a (reasonably) transparent way.

Local Installation Information

The Standard Template Library is currently installed, and can be found in the directory /home/packages/STL. This includes a ``frequently asked questions'' file, stl.faq, as well as directories of example programs and ``include'' files.

Unfortunately, it doesn't currently seem to be very useful: The examples and include files don't seem to be compatible (even though the came from the same place). Thus, you can look through this material in order to get a better idea of how the library ``should'' be used, but you shouldn't expect examples, or the code you write, to compile correctly.

Additional Online References

``A Modest Tutorial''

Jack Kirman (at the Department of Computer Science, Brown University) has written a ``modest STL tutorial.''

The latest version of this is also available as a Postscript file, which you should be able to view if you are viewing this page using Netscape on one of the computer science department's machines running Unix.

Rob Kremer's Introduction

Here at Calgary, Rob Kremer has produced a set of web pages that give an STL overview. You will almost certainly need to use Netscape, or another powerful browser, in order to view these pages.

SGI's Online Reference

SGI has an impressive online reference for the Standard Template Library, including lists of the operations provided for each container.

Stepanov and Lee's Report

Finally, a more detailed technical report of Stepanov and Lee is available as a Postscript file that you can view if your web browser is configured for this.

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