CPSC 333: Alternative Second ERD

Location: [Back to the Lecture Notes] ASCII Approximation of the Alternative Second ERD

    ---------           / \          --------
   |         |         /   \        |        |
   | Student |--------       -------| Course |
   |         |         \   /        |        |
    ---------           \ /          ---------
                 |               |
                 | Participation |
                 |               |

In the ``real diagram,'' there is an arrow pointing up from the rectangle labelled ``Participation,'' to a diamond. Lines from the diamond (without arrowheads) connect it to the other rectangles that are labelled by ``Student'' and ``Course.''

Location: [Back to the Lecture Notes] ASCII Approximation of Alternative Second ERD

Department of Computer Science
University of Calgary

Office: (403) 220-5073
Fax: (403) 284-4707
