CPSC 333: ASCII Approximation of Fourth ERD

Location: [Back to the Lecture Notes] ASCII Approximation of the Fourth ERD

This page was most recently modified on January 20, 1997

                                      |        |
                                      | Course |
                                      |        |
  ___________          / \       | ---------------- |
 |           |        /   \      ||                ||
 |  Student  |-------      ------|| Course Section ||
 |           |        \   /      ||                ||
  -----------          \ /       | ---------------- |
                       / \
                 |            |
                 | Completion |
                 |            |

In the ``real diagram,'' there is an arrow pointing up from the rectangle labelled ``Completion'' to a diamond. There are horinzontal lines connecting the diamond to the rectangle labelled ``Student'' and the double rectangle labelled ``Course Section.'' There is a double vertical line joining the double rectangle labelled ``Course Section'' to a rectangle labelled ``Course.''

Location: [Back to the Lecture Notes] ASCII Approximation of Fourth ERD

Department of Computer Science
University of Calgary

Office: (403) 220-5073
Fax: (403) 284-4707
