CPSC 413, Design and Analysis of Algorithms I (Winter 2005)

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Assignments:   1  -  2  -  3  -  4  -  5      PDF:   1  -  2  -  3  -  4  -  5


One final piece of wisdom from your friendly profs (attributed to an anonymous former 413 student):

  I long ago took 413.
  For a Comp Sci course it was quite mean.
      Since I passed the last test
      -- though it wasn't my best --
  I did not have to talk to the Dean.

Unofficial final grades are available here. Please notify us of any recording errors as soon as possible - we will submit these to the Registrar on Wednesday, April 27.

Term grades are available here. Please notify us of any recording errors as soon as possible.

Prof. Jacobson's office hours for this week are:

  • Wednesday, April 20: 13:00-16:30

    Prof. Scheidler's office hours for this week are:

  • Tuesday, April 19: 14:00-17:00
  • Wednesday, April 20: 15:00-17:00

    NOTE:Neither Prof. Jacobson nor Prof. Scheidler will be available for consultation on Thursday (we are both attending a conference all day), so make sure you see us with any questions before then!

    Term grades (up to and including the midterm) are available here. Please bring any errors to our attention.

    The midterm exam will take place Thursday, March 17, 18:00-20:00, SB 103. Please note that no books or calculators will be permitted, but you will be given the definitions of the asymptotic notations and the Master Theorem on the exam sheet.

    The final exam will take place Friday, April 22, 8:00-11:00, ICT 122. Please note that no books or calculators will be permitted, but you may bring one 8.5 x 11 sheet of notes, double or single sided.

  •  Tentative Course Schedule

    Week Topic Sections of the textbook Assignments/Quizzes
    10/01 Introduction; Growth of functions. Chapter 1; Chapter 2: 2.1, 2.2; Chapter 3. 14/01 Assignment 1 set (Asymptotic notation and summations)
    17/01 Growth of functions. Chapter 3, Appendix A. NA
    24/01 Recurrences. Chapter 4. NA
    31/01 Recurrences; Divide-and-Conquer. Chapter 4; Chapter 2: 2.3. 4/02 Assignment 1 due; Assignment 2 set (Divide-and-Conquer and recurrence relations)
    07/02 Divide-and-Conquer. Chapter 28: 28.2; Chapter 9: 9.3; Chapter 30: 30.2. 10/02 Quiz 1 (Asymptotic notation and summations)
    14/02 Dynamic Programming. Chapter 15: 15.2. 18/02 Assignment 2 due; Assignment 3 set (Dynamic programming)
    21/02 Reading week. No classes NA
    28/02 Dynamic Programming. Chapter 15: 15.3 (but not memoization), 15.4, and 0-1 Knapsack Problem (not in the textbook but described on p.382) 03/03 Quiz 2 (Divide-and-Conquer and recurrence relations)
    07/03 Greedy Algorithms. Chapter 16: 16.1, 16.2. Chapter 23 (start). 11/03 Assignment 3 due; Assignment 4 set (Greedy algorithms)
    14/03 Greedy Algorithms. Chapter 23 (continued). Chapter 24: 24.3 17/03 Midterm, 18:00-20:00 in SB 103
    21/03 Greedy Algorithms; Approximation Algorithms. Chapter 35: 35.1, 35.2 (not 35.2.2). NA
    28/03 NP-Completeness. Chapter 34: 34.1 to 34.3 (except circuit satisfiability). 01/04 Assignment 4 due; Assignment 5 set (NP-Completeness)
    04/04 NP-Completeness. Chapter 34: 34.4, 34.5. 07/04 Quiz 3 (Greedy algorithms)
    11/04 NP-Completeness. Chapter 34: 34.3 (circuit satisfiability). 15/04 Assignment 5 due

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