Function Editor Utility

Quick Contents


Funcedit is a utility for editing spline functions in 2D space. The spline functions are constrained to a range of zero to one and consist of four control points by default.

Funcedit Execution

The Funcedit program is invoked as:

> funcedit [filename]

Menu, Display and Manipulation

A window is displayed as in Figure 1, showing the function, its control points. If the filename arguemnt specifies a a valid function file, the file will be loaded. Otherwise, a default function of four control points, along the x-axis in the range of zero to one, will be created.

A funcedit screen

Figure 1 - A funcedit screen

Manipulating the Function

Manipulating the View

The Popup Menu

The Funcedit popup menu is controlled using the right mouse button. The menu contains the following items:


The colours used in funcedit can be configured be editing the configuration file in VLAB. In the VLAB conguration directory ($VLABCONFIGDIR), there is a file called 'funcedit' that may contain a line entry for each configurable colour. Each entry needs three values for red, green and blue colour components, scaled from 0.0 to 1.0.

List of Configurable Fields

An example entry would then be background: 0.0 0.0 0.0 which would give a black background.

Function File Format

The function file format consists of the function's range, number of control points and the xy-coordinates of each point. By convention, the extension of the files is .func, but this is not strictly required.

Example function file:

      range: 0.0 1.0
      points: 4
      0.0 0.0
      0.3 0.1
      0.6 0.9
      1.0 0.3


Radek Karowski - Funcedit - original implementation (Motif version)

Colin Smith - Funcedit - implementation and documentation (vL1.0)


Last updated December, 2001 by Joanne Penner