!!Goal\\ In depth research course about geometric modeling particularly Splines, Subdivision, Sketch-based modeling and Multiresolution. Topics: NURBS and its generalization, Subdivision, Wavelets and Multiresolution, Sketch based modeling, constrained based modeling, introduction to discrete differential geometry. New material of spline chapter in compare with cpsc689: Knot insertion, Least squares, Convolution approach for B-Splines, Subdivision Analysis, Filtering approach for B-Splines. !!!!Grading * Assignment(a set of theory questions and a small programming) 10% * Project 60% * Paper reading/presentation 30% This course is also focused on reading and understanding papers drawn from the research literature. One or two papers per class are presented by students on every Friday (starting from Jan 18, 2013). The traditional lectures will be run on Wednesdays. The papers can be selected from the [[cpsc789/paper list]] paper list. This list will continuously be modified in the semester. Insert your selected papers here [[cpsc789/selected papers]]. The papers must be read carefully. Try to understand the details as much as you can. A sign of good understanding is that you should be able to implement the discussed method. Each paper will be presented a 35 minutes or 70 minutes time-frame. The quality of the presentation has significant impact on the mark of the paper reading. The presentations are evaluated by myself and also other students who send an evaluation mark (0-4) with justification to me after each presentation. Evaluation reports have 20% of the paper reading/presentation. References for CPSC789 Related books: *Eric J. Stollnitz, Anthony D. DeRose, and David H. Salesin: Wavelets for Computer Graphics: Theory and Applications. The Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1996. *CAGDD: Gerald Farin, Curves and Surfaces for CAGD: A Practical Guide, Fifth Edition. The Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, October 2001. *SMGD: J.Warren and H. Weimer, Subdivision Methods for Geometric design. The Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2002. The online version (the draft). *NURBS: Les Piegl and Wayne Tiller, The NURBS Book. Springer, 1995. *SCGGM: R. Bartels, J. Beatty, and B. Barsky, An Introduction to Splines for Use in Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling. Morgan Kaufmann, 1987.