A Construction Method for Optimally Universal Hash Families and its Consequences for the Existence of RBIBDs

Philipp Woelfel

Abstract. We introduce a method for constructing optimally universal hash families and equivalently RBIBDs. As a consequence of our construction we obtain minimal optimally universal hash families, if the cardinalities of the universe and the range are powers of the same prime. A corollary of this result is that the necessary condition for the existence of an RBIBD with parameters (v,k,lambda), namely

v mod k = lambda(v-1) mod (k-1) = 0,

is sufficient, if v and k are powers of the same prime. As an application of our construction, we show that the k-MAXCUT algorithm of Hofmeister and Lefmann (1996) can be implemented such that it has a polynomial running time, in the case that the number of vertices and k are powers of the same prime.


Last modified: Thu Apr 22 18:09:31 CEST 2004