Syllabus, CPSC 331, Winter 2016

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 Technical Writing Background

Technical writing will not be discussed in lectures or tutorials in this course.

However, students’ writing will be assessed. Assignments will ask students to provide written discussions of the correctness and efficiency of algorithms. Tests will ask students to provide written explanations for a variety of things discussed in lectures. Imprecise writing (and, possibly, errors in spelling and grammar) will be reported and penalized.

Some students will find that they do not need to improve their reading and writing skills to do well in this course. Unfortunately, that will not be the case for everyone. The following resources can be used by students, outside of course lectures and tutorials, to improve their communication skills.

Effective Writing Program

Students at the University of Calgary who wish to improve their writing skills should consider the Effective Writing Program. This includes the Writing Centre, which offers free, individual tutorials for students at all levels who wish to improve their writing. The program also includes non-credit courses in effective writing for students who wish to improve their writing skills and who would prefer a more structured program.

Additional information about how to book an appointment, arrange for tutoring, and about dates, times, and the cost of the Writing Centre’s courses can be obtained by visiting the writing support services website or visiting the Student Success Centre (4th floor MacEwan Hall).

Reference Material

The following reference on technical writing is recommended for students in this course. It will probably a useful reference as you take later courses where you are asked to write about algorithms.

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