CPSC 413, Design and Analysis of Algorithms I (Fall 2002)

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Assignments:   PS:   1  -  2  -  3  -  4  -  5  -  6  -  7  -  8  -  9  -  10      PDF:   1  -  2  -  3  -  4  -  5  -  6  -  7  -  8  -  9  -  10
Solutions: PS:   1  -  2  -  3  -  4  -  5  -  6  -  7  -  8  -  9  -  10      PDF:   1  -  2  -  3  -  4  -  5  -  6  -  7  -  8  -  9  -  10


Final grades are available here.

L01 (Jacobson) students: if you need to see Prof. Jacobson about your grade, please contact him (jacobs@cpsc.ucalgary.ca) and make an appointment.

 Tentative Course Schedule

Week Topic Sections of the textbook
9/09 Introduction; Growth of functions. Chapter 1; Chapter 2: 2.1, 2.2; Chapter 3.
16/09 Growth of functions. Chapter 3, Appendix A.
23/09 Recurrences. Chapter 4.
30/09 Recurrences; Divide-and-Conquer. Chapter 4; Chapter 2: 2.3.
7/10 Divide-and-Conquer. Chapter 28: 28.2; Chapter 9: 9.3; Chapter 30: 30.2.
14/10 Dynamic Programming. Chapter 15: 15.2.
21/10 Dynamic Programming. Chapter 15: 15.3 (but not memoization), 15.4, and 0-1 Knapsack Problem (not in the textbook but described on p.382)
28/10 Greedy Algorithms. Chapter 16: 16.1, 16.2. Chapter 23 (start).
4/11 Greedy Algorithms. Chapter 23 (continued). Chapter 24: 24.3
11/11 Greedy Algorithms; Approximation Algorithms. Chapter 35: 35.1, 35.2 (not 35.2.2).
18/11 NP-Completeness. Chapter 34: 34.1 to 34.3 (except circuit satisfiability).
25/11 NP-Completeness. Chapter 34: 34.4, 34.5.
2/12 NP-Completeness. Chapter 34: 34.3 (circuit satisfiability).

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