CPSC 413   Design and Analysis of Algorithms I, Winter 2020

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General Information
Lectures L01 Tues/Thurs 12:30-13:45 in ST 143
Instructor: Mike Jacobson
Office: ICT 612
E-mail: jacobs@cpsc.ucalgary.ca
Phone: 210-9410
Office hours: Tues 15:30-16:30, Thurs 15:30-16:30
Tutorials T01 Tues/Thurs 11:00-11:50 in MS 205 (Elliot)
T02 Wed/Fri 12:00-12:50 in MS 205 (Elliot)
T03 Mon/Wed 16:00-16:50 in SA 107 (Bashari)
T04 Tues/Thurs 16:00-16:50 in ST 057 (Bashari)
T05 Mon/Wed 15:00-15:50 in ST 057 (Marquis)
Teaching Assistants
Textbook J. Kleinberg and E. Tardos, Algorithm Design, first edition, Addison-Wesley 2006.
Grading Three components – assignments, midterm test and final exam – are included in the determination of the course grade.
       Assignments     40%
       Midterm Test     20%
       Final Exam     40%
Percentage to letter grade conversion:
  A+       A       A-      B+        B       B-        C+       C        C-      D+         D      F   
95-10090-9485-89 80-8475-7970-74 65-6960-6455-59 50-5445-490-44
Exams The midterm test will take place Thursday, March 12 during class time 12:30-13:45 pm in room ST 143.
The time and location of the final exam will be announced later. It will cover all the course material, with more emphasis on the material not tested on the midterm exam.
Please note that for both the midterm test and the final exam, no aids (books, notes, calculators etc) will be permitted.


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