CPSC 557 / 601.96 (Winter 2005)
Applied Cryptography and Network Security

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Assignments:   PS:   1  -  2  -  3  -  4      PDF:   1  -  2  -  3  -  4
Solutions: PS:   1  -  2  -  3  -  4      PDF:   1  -  2  -  3  -  4


Unofficial final grades are available here here. Please notify Prof. Jacobson of any recording errors as soon as possible.

You may pick up your graded Assignment 4, term test, and reseach projects from the front CPSC office.

 Tentative Course Schedule

Week Topic Course Work
10/01 Introduction and motivation (Ch 1 Stallings); OSI security architechture, weaknesses of "textbook" public-key cryptography 14/01 Assignment 1 set
17/01 Mechanisms for data integrity (Ch 11,12 Stallings); message authentication codes, hash functions, security, examples (SHA-1, CBC-MAC, HMAC) NA
24/01 Random numbers and OAEP (Ch 7 Stallings); pseudorandom number generation (ANSI X9.17), cryptographically secure random bit generators (Blum-Blum-Shub), plaintext-aware public-key encryption (RSA-OAEP) NA
31/01 Key management (Ch 7,14 Stallings) ; key distribution centers, public-key infrastructures, ID-based cryptography 04/02 Assignment 1 due; Assignment 2 set
07/02 Authentication (Ch 13 Stallings); basic mechanisms, authenticated key agreement (variations of Needham-Schroeder, station-to-station) NA
14/02 Access control (Ch 14 Stallings); password mechanisms and one-time passwords (S/KEY), SSH, Kerberos NA
21/02 Reading week NA
28/02 Secure email and web security (Ch. 15,17 Stallings); PGP and SSL (TLS) 28/02 Assignment 2 due; Assignment 3 set; 04/03 Research project proposal due
07/03 IPSec and virtual private networks (Ch 16 Stallings); Overview of IPSec architecture, Internet Key Exchange (IKE) NA
14/03 Guest lectures; March 14 - Kjell Wooding (Real World (in)Security) 18/03 Assignment 3 due; Assignment 4 set
21/03 Intrusion detection (Ch 18 Stallings); hacking methodology and techniques, theory of intrusion detection, systems NA
28/03 Firewalls (Ch 20 Stallings); introduction, usage NA
04/04 Student presentations 11/04 Assignment 4 due
11/04 Student presentations 15/04 Term test (in class); Research project due

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