CPSC 599.49 / 601.96 (Winter 2004)

Applied Cryptography and Network Security

home page -  handouts -  practical info -  Mike Jacobson -  external pages

Assignments:   PS:   1  -  2  -  3      PDF:   1  -  2  -  3
Solutions: PS:   1  -  2  -  3      PDF:   1  -  2  -  3


Unofficial final grades are available here here. These are only accessible from the ucalgary.ca domain.

You may pick up your grades Assignment 3 and reseach projects from me in my office.

 Tentative Course Schedule

Week Topic
12/01 Introduction and motivation (Ch 1 Stallings); OSI security architechture, weaknesses of "textbook" public-key cryptography
19/01 Mechanisms for data integrity (Ch 11,12 Stallings); message authentication codes, hash functions, security, examples (SHA-1, CBC-MAC, HMAC)
26/01 Random numbers and OAEP (Ch 7 Stallings); pseudorandom number generation (ANSI X9.17), cryptographically secure random bit generators (Blum-Blum-Shub), plaintext-aware public-key encryption (RSA-OAEP)
02/02 Key management (Ch 7,14 Stallings) ; key distribution centers, public-key infrastructures, ID-based cryptography
09/02 Authentication (Ch 13 Stallings); basic mechanisms, authenticated key distribution (variations of Needham-Schroeder, station-to-station)
23/02 Access control (Ch 14 Stallings); password mechanisms and one-time passwords (S/KEY), SSH, Kerberos
01/02 Secure email and web security (Ch. 15,17 Stallings); PGP and SSL (TLS)
08/03 IPSec and virtual private networks (Ch 16 Stallings); Overview of IPSec architecture, Internet Key Exchange (IKE)
15/03 Guest lectures; March 15 - Kjell Wooding (Real World (in)Security), March 17 - Tom Keenan (Ethics)
22/03 Intrusion detection (Ch 18 Stallings)
29/03 Firewalls (Ch 20 Stallings)
05/04 Student presentations
12/04 Student presentations, Term test

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