CPSC 481
Foundations of HCI

James Tam (instructor)

Contents for CPSC 481

These pages provide a detailed description of the undergraduate Computer Science course:
CPSC 481: Foundations and Principles of Human Computer Interaction. 
See Calendar description
Course description 
Diagrammatic overview: The interface design and usability engineering process
Papers Papers after the midterm
Topics and
Part 1. Overview 
Introduction to the Course and to HCI 
Part 2: Understanding users and their tasks 
Task-Centered System Design 
Part 3: Designing with the user 
Introduction to Usability
User Centered Design and Prototyping
Evaluating Interfaces with Users: Qualitative Methods 
Part 4: Designing visual interfaces 
Beyond Screen Design 
Graphical Screen Design 
Part 5: Principles for Design 
Design Principles and Usability Heuristics
Psychology of Everyday Things 
Part 6: The Past and the Future
The History of Human-Computer Interaction
Visions of the future
Assignments Note: the assignments included below are subject to change.
  1. Task centered design and prototyping
  2. Usability studies
  3. System redesign, implementation, and evaluation
Lab Materials
Literature Resources
Video Resources 
Example VB Programs
SENG 609.05: Graphical user interfaces: Design and usability
A version of this course taught to software engineers
Publications describing this course: 
Greenberg, S. (1996) Teaching Human Computer Interaction to Programmers.
long version [Html] or [Adobe Pdf], ACM Interactions, July/August, 1996
short version [Html] or [Adobe Pdf], ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, March, 1996.