Lecture notes for the Introduction to Computers by James Tam

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CPSC 203: Assignment Three (Webpage)

For this assignment you are to create a website. You have a fair amount of lee-way in picking the theme of the site (e.g., it can be a personal website, it can be about your club etc. but it needs to be appropriate to be for a university project).  If you want some guidelines as to what is and is not appropriate here is a [link to the university usage policy]. The website cannot be automatically generated (e.g., by using a blogging site such as BlogSpot or Live Journal or by using a social networking site such as FaceBook or MySpace you have to create it yourself with a program such as MS-FrontPage. The Teaching Assistants will be talking about the specifics of building a university webpage in tutorial but if you want additional information see [the university guide].


Your webpage must contain:

  • A brief discussion about the main focus of the web page
  • At least one image
  • Multiple fonts (e.g., Times New Roman, Arial etc.), font sizes and font effects (bold, normal etc.) - just don't go overboard with fancy effects.  Multiple means two or greater so you don't need dozens of text effects to get credit for this requirement. Use the principles of C.R.A.P. as a guide for when to employ different effects (e.g., to distinguish a heading from text you can use different font sizes and bold face the heading) and the squint test to evaluate the layout of your design.
  • Links to other external web sites (i.e., sites that aren't part of the website that you created for your assignment).
  • A table to help organize the appearance of your site (you can set the table as 'invisible' if you wish).  In either case the cells of the table must contain content e.g., text, images, external links, music etc.)
  • Change the background of your page to another color (other than white) or use a background picture (make sure that you don't choose a back color or picture that makes it impossible to see the text, your marker can only mark what he or she can see).
  • The 'title' property of your web page must be set to a descriptive value that is appropriate to the theme of your site.  It can't be some default value such as 'unnamed' or 'newpage'.  The title of your web page shows up in the title bar of the web browser when people go to visit your site.



The completed site must be publicly available via a standard web browser (e.g., you can build it using your university IT account, in my case it's http://homepages.ucalgary.ca/~tam - although this old example has features that you don't need for this assignment and doesn't implement all of the features list above).  Alternatively you can build your web page through your account provided by your Internet provider e.g., Telus, Shaw etc. or through companies that provide free web hosting e.g., Geocities assuming that you can meet all or the above requirements but a word of caution in the latter case it is your responsibility to determine the specifics of building a page there. 

Additional submission requirements

In addition to the general submission requirements, you need to make sure that you submit the following for this assignment:

  1. The web address (url) of your web page which can be included in a text document.
  2. Contact information (name and ID number) which can included in a text document.
  3. All the files (.html, .htm, pictures, videos etc.) that were a part of your web page MUST also be submitted. (You may wish to use to file compression utility to make it easier [Screenshot of the Windows utility])

[Marking check list]