Lecture notes for the Introduction to Computers by James Tam Return to the course web page

CPSC 203: Assignment Submission Guidelines

Points to keep in mind:

  1. Make sure that you carefully read the assignment specifications for each assignment!   (This is a set of general guidelines for all assignments and each assignment may have a more specific set of things for you to do).
  1. Assignments are due at 1 PM on the dates listed on the course web page. Due dates and times will be strictly enforced for the assignments. If students submit late assignments then a penalty of one letter (e.g., "B+" becomes a "C+" will be applied for each day past the due date that the assignment is submitted. 
  1. Extensions may be granted by the course instructor (James Tam) with the receipt of the appropriate documentation (e.g., a doctor's note). The tutorial instructor (Hilary Obiagunu) will not be able to provide extension on his own and will only direct you back to myself.  (Note: Forgetting to hand your assignment or a component of your assignment in does not constitute a sufficient reason for handing your assignment in late). In all other cases due dates will be strictly enforced, late assignments be penalized according to the approach described in the previous point.
  1. Be sure to include standard contact information so your TA can match grades with students, excluding this information may result in your grade not being recorded properly (i.e., you received a zero for the assignment because your TA didn't know who to assign the grade to).
  • Your full name (please provide the official name that you provided to the university)
  • Your University Identification Number
  • The course name (CPSC) and number (203)
  • The Assignment Number
  1. All assignments must be completed individually, there is no group work in this class.
  1. Send assignments as an email attachment to the following people (failing to include everyone listed below may result in your assignment not being marked for credit so before submitting your assignment double check that you haven't missed anyone!) Make sure that the subject line of the email contains the exact text (don't add or delete anything to it or you could lose marks - mail filters work by looking for specific words in the subject line): "CPSC 203 Assignment X"
  1. Your tutorial instructor, Hilary Obiagunu: haobiagw@ucalgary.ca
  1. Yourself. Sending the assignment to yourself provides one last "double check" that you submitted your assignment properly (e.g., you sent it to all the right people, you attached all the important files to the submission etc...you should actually open the file attachments and check the files rather than just looking at the email). When you receive the submitted assignment you can check one last time to make sure that you fulfilled all the requirements. If you forgot something then you can resend your assignment with a note to mark only the latest submission (but try not to resubmit your assignment too many times please).
X = The appropriate assignment number (e.g., for Assignment 1 the subject would be titled "CPSC 203 Assignment 1", for Assignment 2 the subject would be titled "CPSC 203 Assignment 2")