Below is a list of confirmed participants at FMCS 99.
Benson, David B.
Washington State University
(509) 335-6602
dbenson@eecs.wsu.eduBlute, Rick
University of Ottawa blute@mathstat.uottawa.caCockett, Robin
University of Calgary
(403) 220-5106
robin@cpsc.ucalgary.caEppendahl, Adam
Queen Mary and Westfield College
+44 (171) 975 5241, Honggee
Northeastern University
(617) 373-3014
hgao@coe.neu.eduHaghverdi, Esfandiar
University of Ottawa
ehaghver@mathstat.uottawa.caHarrington, Dana
University of Calgary
danaha@cpsc.ucalgary.caJohnson, Michael
Macquarie University, Sydney
(612) 9850 9514, Richard
(503) 690-1152
dick@cse.ogi.eduMacDonald, John
University of British Columbia
(604) 822-3627
johnm@math.ubc.caManes, Ernie
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
(413) 369-4246
manes@math.umass.eduMulry, Philip
Colgate University
(315) 228-7719
phil@CS.COLGATE.EDUOtto, Jim
(847) 398-6148, Robert R.
University of California, Berkeley
schneck@math.berkeley.eduVene, Varmo
Tartu University
(372) 7 465497
varmo@remus.cs.ut.eeXu, Gwangwu
University of Calgary