CPSC 441: Computer Communications

Professor Carey Williamson

Winter 2012

Grading Information

Student evaluation in CPSC 441 will be based on three course components: assignments (25%), midterm exam (25%), and final exam (50%).

CPSC 441 will have five assignments. In aggregate, the assignments count 25% toward your final grade. All assignments will be equally weighted, even though they are not all of equal difficulty. Most of the assignments will be programming assignments. There will be one assignment due about every 2 weeks, with the first one due late in January. There will also be a gap in the assignments around the time of the midterm exam.

The 50-minute midterm exam will take place in class on Friday March 2. The midterm exam will count 25% toward your final grade.

The 2-hour final exam will take place on Saturday, April 21 at 3:30pm in ST 135. The final exam will count 50% toward your final grade.

Grading Scheme

Each of the foregoing components will be given a numerical score, using a percentage scale. The final percentage grade will be calculated using the weights indicated above, and then converted to a final letter grade for the University grading system.

The following approximate scale will be used. Percentage scores at or above 95% will receive an A+, while those at or above 90% will receive an A, and those at or above 85% will receive an A-. Percentage scores at or above 80% will receive a B+, while those at or above 75% will receive a B, and those at or above 70% will receive a B-. Percentage scores at or above 65% will receive a C+, while those at or above 60% will receive a C, and those at or above 55% will receive a C-. Among passing scores, those below 55% will receive a D. Percentage scores below 50% will receive an F.