CPSC 333: ASCII Approximation of Second ERD

Location: [Back to the Lecture Notes] [Back to the Requirements Specification] ASCII Approximation of the Second ERD

This page was most recently modified on February 4, 1997

   ____________                               ________
  |            |                             |        |
  |            |-----  is registered in  ----|        |
  |  Student   |                             | Course |
  |            |---------  has passed  ------|        |
  |            |                             |        |
   ------------                               --------

In the ``real diagram,'' the phrases ``is registered in'' and ``has passed'' are both enclosed in diamonds (which are hard to show in a text file). Otherwise, this is a reasonable approximation of the (important features in) the real diagram.

Department of Computer Science
University of Calgary

Office: (403) 220-5073
Fax: (403) 284-4707
