New Results on the Complexity of the Middle Bit of Multiplication

Ingo Wegener and Philipp Woelfel

Abstract. It is well known that the hardest bit of integer multiplication is the middle bit, i.e. MUL_{n-1,n}. This paper contains several new results on its complexity. First, the size s of randomized read-k branching programs, or, equivalently, its space (log s) is investigated. A randomized algorithm for MUL_{n-1,n} with k=O(log n) (implying time O(n*log n)), space O(log n) and error probability 1/n^c for arbitrarily chosen constants c is presented. This is close to the known deterministic lower bound for the space requirement in the order of n*2^(-O(k)). Second, the size of general branching programs and formulas is investigated. Applying Nechiporuk's technique, lower bounds of Omega(n^(3/2)/log n) and Omega(n^(3/2)), respectively, are obtained. Moreover, by bounding the number of subfunctions of MUL_{n-1,n}, it is proven that Nechiporuk's technique cannot provide larger lower bounds than O(n^(5/3)/log n) and O(n^(5/3)), respectively.
