Course web page: Introduction to multidisciplinary Computer Science II by James Tam

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CPSC 219: Winter 2011



Grades for all term components (Note: your grades are listed in the form of the official University grade points - see the calendar if you are unfamiliar with them).

Lecture Information


Tuesday, Thursday 9 - 10:50 AM



Contact Information

James Tam

Office: ICT707

Office hours: Monday (11 - 11:50 AM), Tuesday (11 - 11:50 AM), Wednesday (2:00 - 2:50 PM)


General information Administrative information (computation of your term grade, the course textbooks, course information sheet)

Getting started in Computer Science (computer labs, sources of help, working from home etc.)

My schedule


Tutorial and lab Information (commence the week of January 17)







T01 TR: 15:00 - 15:50 MS176 Tulio Alcantara
T02 MW: 13:00 - 13:50 MS176 Tulio Alcantara
T03 TR 12:00 - 12:50 MS176 Tang Xiahou

Lab (Continuous tutorials):


Course topics and notes for lectures

 Tentative Schedule

Topics to be covered

Recommended reading 'C' procedural programming (Pearson custom publishing)

Recommended reading Java Object-Oriented programming (Absolute Java)

Introduction to the course (administrative information and course overview)

Course introduction: [Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes]



Procedural programming: Basics of C programming

C programming I: [Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes][Examples]

Chapter 1 - 3


Procedural programming:  Advanced programming concepts in C

C programming II:
[Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes][Examples]

Chapter 4 - 8


Introduction to Java programming

[Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes][Examples]


Chapter 1 - 3

Introduction to Object-Oriented programming

[Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes][Examples]


Chapter 4, Chapter 12 (Pages 678 - 682)
Data structures: Lists

[Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes][Examples]

  Section 15.1
Advanced Java

[Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes][Examples]

  Section 5.1 - 5.3, Chapter 6, 11, Section 15.1

Code reuse through the use of hierarchies

[Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes][Examples]


Chapter 7, 8, Chapter 12 (Pages 680 - 681), Section 13.1

Error handling with exceptions

[Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes]


Chapter 9

Introduction to graphical user interfaces

Technical notes: [Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes][Running GUI's on CPSC]

Overview of HCI design principles:[Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes]


Chapter 17, 18

File input and output

[Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes][Examples]


Chapter 10

Design and testing

[Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes][Examples]



Packages and collections (if there is time)

[Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes][Examples]


Packages: Section 5.4, Generics: Chapter 14, Collections: 16

Design patterns (if there is time)

[Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes][Examples]


 Section 12.2

Concurrent programming (if there is time)

[Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes][Examples]


Section 19.1

Problem solving

[Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes]



Assignments and exams


Assignment submission guidelines


Information about academic misconduct (cheating vs. collaboration)


Assignment 1 (Low level procedural programming): Worth 6% of your term grade, due February 4.


Assignment 2 (Introduction to Java programming): Worth 3% of your term grade, due February 18.


Assignment 3 (Introduction to Object-Oriented programming): Worth 3% of your term grade, due March 2.


Assignment 4 (Lists): Worth 7% of your term grade, due March 11 March 14.


Assignment 5 (Object-Oriented problem solving): Worth 10% of your term grade, due March 25, March 28.


Assignment 6 (Inheritance):  Worth 10% of your term grade, due April 8.


Assignment 7 (Graphical user interfaces): Worth 6% of your term grade, due April 15  April 29


Quizzes: they will be conducted during tutorial time and will cover the procedural programming portion of the course. The total worth of all quizzes amounts of 5% of your term grade.


First midterm: Worth 15% of your term grade, to be held during normal lecture time in the regular lecture room, Tuesday February 8. [Additional details]


Second midterm: Worth 15% of your term grade, to be held during normal lecture time in the regular lecture room, Thursday March 17. [Additional details]


Final exam: Worth 20% of your term grade, to be scheduled by the [Office of the Registrar] and will occur sometime between April 18 -29. [Additional details]


Practice problems