Course web page: Introduction to Computer Science for majors I James Tam Return to the course web page

CPSC 231: Spring 2017



Lecture and important assignment information


L02: TR 13:00 - 15:45 PM (ICT116)

Contact Information

James Tam

Office: ICT707

Office hours: TR: 16:00 - 16:50


General information Official course information sheet (summary of official course requirements)

My schedule

General assignment information

Grade calculator to estimate your term grade: [grade_calculator.xlsx]

Academic misconduct vs. collaboration: what is allowed for this class

Practice assignments: They won't be for credit but they're extra problems that you can try in order to improve your programming and problem solving skills

In class, practice Top Hat Monacle lecture questions: [Information link for getting the starting including course code]


Tutorial information

Teaching tutorials (commence May 17):






T01 WF 13:00 - 14:50 MS 176 Mojtaba Komeili
T02 WF 10:00 - 11:50 MS 160 Mojtaba Komeili
T03 WF 15:00 - 16:50 MS 176 Mojtaba Komeili

Help/continuous tutorials (CT for short): start date is week of May 21 - 27)


Course topics/notes, assignment/exam information

Approximate time each topic will be covered in lecture

Topic list (links to programs that I cover in lecture can be found in this table "Example programs",  examples for tutorials can be found on the link for the [Tutorial teaching schedule]).

Relevant textbook chapters: "Starting Out with Python" (Gaddis T) Addison-Wesley. Note: Other sources of help includes the (free) online library website: [Safari]

Graded component occurring during the week: Note that all assignments are due at 5 PM


Getting started in Computer Science (computer labs, sources of help, working from home etc.). A portion will be covered in tutorial during the second week of term, other resources are available for your reference: [Orientation link]

Not applicable


May 14 - 20

Introduction to the course
[Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes]


Introduction to computer programming
[Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes] [Example programs]

Introduction to programming: Chapter 1 & 2, Appendix A (if you want to install Python on your own computer - not the recommended approach to take for this course)

A0 submissions close off Friday May 19 (submitting files using D2L and checking submissions, not graded)

May 21 - 27

Introduction to computer programming (continued)

[Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes] [Example programs]

[Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes] [Example programs]



Branching: Chapter 3

Loops: Chapter 4


Full A1 due Friday May 26

May 28 - June 3

Looping/repetition (continued)

[Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes] [Example programs]


Functions: Chapter 5 (don't worry about the material in Section 5.9, 5.10 yet)

Mini A2 due Wednesday May 31

Full A2 due Friday June 2

June 4 - 10

Functions/decomposition (continued)


Composites (Strings, lists and a little on tuples)
[Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes] [Example programs]



Composites, Lists & Tuples: Chapter 7

Composites, Strings: Chapter 8


Mini A3 due Monday June 5

In class midterm Tuesday June 6: [Information link]


June 11 - 17

Composites (continued)

Tam's introduction to problem solving
[Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes] [Example programs]


Full A3 due Monday June 12

Mini A4 due Wednesday June 14

June 18 - 24

Files and exceptions
[Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes] [Example programs]


Introduction to classes and objects
[Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes] [Example programs]


[Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes] [Example programs]

[Recursion in pop culture]

Files: Chapter 6


Object-Oriented programming: Chapter 10



Recursion: Chapter 12

Full A4 due Wednesday June 21

Mini A5 due Friday June 23


June 25 - 27 (Last day)


Computer history
[Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes]


Introduction to the areas of Computer Science
[Acrobat notes] [PowerPoint notes]


Final exam information link [Information link]

Not applicable


Not applicable


Full A5 due Tuesday June 27



The final exam will to be scheduled by university admin staff and not your course instructor: [See the exam schedule in PeopleSoft when the Office of the Registrar has scheduled it].