Converting to VLAB for Linux 1.0

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This page is designated for users which are using older versions of VLAB and now wish to convert to VLAB for Linux 1.0. Previous object databases should be compatible with this version, but may require a few small changes. The conversion process looks like this:

Install VLAB for Linux 1.0

Choose a directory where you would like to install VLAB vL1.0 (for example, /usr/local/vlab-1.0) and proceed with the installation instructions.  Make sure that the installation was successful and VLAB vL1.0 can be executed.

Upgrade your oofs database

Upgrading your database means creating a lookup table located in oofs/.dbase file. This is achieved by running builddbase command on your oofs. For example, suppose your oofs location is /home/users/john/vlab/oofs. Then you would invoke the following command:

The program will respond with a message of this format:

where <n> is the number of objects you have in your oofs database.

New in vL1.0 Software Components

Browser and Hyperbrowser are combined into one application. Refer to The Virtual Laboratory Browser and The Virtual Laboratory Environment.

Panel Manager requires explicit specification of the colourmap file (in the panel definition file or the specifications file). Refer to Panel Manager with Editor.

Palette has the capability to load and save maps, so LOADMAP and SAVEMAP programs are obsolete. Colourmaps are loaded at the command line (ie. in the specifications file), and are saved within the application. Refer to Palette Colourmap Editor.


Last updated December, 2001 by Joanne Penner