CPSC 433 - Artificial Intelligence


New Tutorial Slides


Slides from the two lectures I presented during class time.

  • Frames [pdf] - as exemplified by XML. Note: Except for the motivation these are the same as the slides provided by Prof. Kremer.
  • Multi-Agent Systems [pdf] - an overview.


I'm only uploading the slides I significantly changed from last time. If you can't find something you remember me talking about please contact me.

  • Resolution [pdf] - The lab outlining simple resolution, without unification.
  • EMYCIN [pdf] - The new lab explaining EMYCIN and how to calculate the Measures of Belief and Disbelief.
  • Conceptual Dependency [pdf]

Old Tutorial Slides

Some of the slides I've used in the past for this course, I will update these to reflect this year's course.